Tom and I have a joke: “Food makes me sick.” I’m not sure how this little saying started, but we use it when we have those off-times when there is an occasional flattening of the appetite and nothing seems appealing. I’m in one of those times right now.
And these are such strange times, eh? Beyond the wars, politics, pain, and sadness, it is still an incredibly magical world if you’re open to seeing it. I’ve seen the weirdest parallels and synchronicities in my own life lately. The kind of stuff an intuitive person takes note of: license plates telling me names and dates (two of them side-by-side in front of me today!); new people coming into my life with a bang; icon images resurrected of people from my past; strange emails arriving on fortuitous dates; dreams and memories helping to make me clear on what is happening and how to process it. I know this sounds very cryptic and obscure. What I think I’m trying to say is that it’s about connection. I know that I continually crave connection. I yearn for it. Whether it is a connection to friends, to animals, to a lover, to my work, or to the Source, I am always seeking it., I used to think that this was a problem, that I didn’t know how to manage alone. That I was needy and not strong. I used to strive for independence. I don’t do that anymore because it’s all about oneness, right? Unity, not division. I will connect as deeply as I can in all relationships that are open to doing the same because in that place there is love, expressed in so many different ways. My old Night Times friend Aaron once told me, “You are one of those Malcolm Gladwell’ connectors’.” He was referring to the book, The Tipping Point. And I am a connector, but I think it is for far deeper, more selfish reasons than networking. Or, maybe “selfish” is not the right word. Maybe it is for higher reasons. It is using every scrap of energy I contain to be fully here and completely with those I feel love for, however circumstances shape that love. It is a hunger for life, and for that, I will always have a healthy appetite. In closing, I realized that these blog entries are no longer dated since my website update! I’ll make it a practice to date at the end of each entry until this gets corrected. I have much more work to do on this website–there are still things to fix on my Media page, so please bear with me. The Decoding Sylvia Plath postings here are on hold until I hear from my publisher whether it is OK for me to continue posting. May 5, 2022 CONNECTIONS, EVERYDAY MAGIC, SPIRITUAL CONNECTIONS
These are challenging times. Shootings and never-ending Covid out in the world. Closer to home, we had the threat of tornadoes today, and clients have reached out over health problems, legal struggles, bad breakups, lost jobs, and a lost pet. And that’s just Wednesday! Tom and I went on a road trip yesterday to meet with his surgeon about a knee operation, and during the two hours out, we listened to the news. On the two hours back, we listened to music, and I remarked about how much lighter and happier I felt.
I’m striving to BE the light as best as I can in these tumultuous times. One way I’m trying is through social networking. I have made it a personal goal to lift Twitter out of negativity (quite a task!), and I’ve loaded up my post-planner with spiritual tips, advice for coping in hard times, and stress relievers that I have learned over the years. I’m not as frequent on Instagram (I just don’t think in pictures and videos, although I’m trying!), but I’ll catch up eventually. Both are @jgordonbramer, by the way. As a writer, the thing I really want to do is write and not just promote my writing. But as a tarot card reader, the other thing I am(!), it’s good to have a presence, and it’s good to reach out and help others in the context of a reading or out in the digital world. It can only be good Karma to give it all away, right? 😉 I promise you that I have not been lazy over this long absence from the blog. I have been writing, editing, and revising furiously. Last month I signed a publishing contract with Inner Traditions for my book, The Tarot Diaries, which should be out sometime next year. These are real-life tarot client stories and experiences, taken from my journals, with all names and identifying details changed. They are stories that will hopefully educate, entertain, and maybe even inspire. More information is forthcoming. I am pretty excited, and this publisher is looking at some of my other writing projects as well (hence, lots of scrambling and long hours in front of the computer when not at the tarot table). As you may or may not have noticed, I have updated this website, although there are still some glitches to fix, especially on the Media page. I had planned to quickly add more years of poems to the Decoding Sylvia Plath pages, but these may be considered for publication, so I am holding tight just now. I hope that whatever and however you are doing, you can find some moments of peace and happiness where you are. Try turning off the news for a while and just live your life. You will find that life is a much better experience. This is not toxic positivity. This is sanity. Hello! I recently posted on Twitter the following:
Well, there goes my best intentions to blog weekly again! Perhaps I should have said, “to blog weakly.” Haha. It’s a busy time for me, with several writing projects with deadlines going, many tarot gift certificates to fulfill, and preparing for taxes.
I continue to have a lot of fun on Twitter and have been sharing some of the essential things I’ve learned there on my spiritual journey, as well as general happenings and comments as things strike me. It only took me ten years to get in the game! I cannot work that hard at gaining followers or likes, but I’d love it if you showed me some love. I know that whatever I put out there will resonate with the right person at the right time, so I am not interested in jumping through all of the social network hoops. That said, If you’re interested, please check me out there @jgordonbramer. I have the same handle on Instagram. Valentine’s Day gift certificates were a huge success! If you’re looking for a unique gift, I can make a phone-friendly, textable version of my gift certificate for any occasion and in any amount. The old printable or emailable PDF gift certificates are also still available. My website is being updated, so please forgive a few glitches here and there as we test and tweak. If you see something not working on your end, I’d love the feedback. For those of you in the St. Louis area, I invite you to please join me on Saturday, February 26th, 5:30 pm – 9 pm, for the Jones Family Fundraiser at the new and beautiful Holiday Inn in Creve Coeur at Olive and 270, 1030 Woodcrest Terrace Dr., St. Louis, MO 63141. This family recently learned their father has the terrible disease of ALS. I have done other benefits for ALS, which I believe is one of the worst diseases imaginable. I am a sponsor for this benefit, donating an hour of my time to the raffle, and it would be so cool to have some of my clients and others interested in a tarot card reading to turn up and say hello in person. My husband Tom’s band Replay will be the musical entertainment (starting at 6:45 pm), and there will be food and drink, raffles and games. I would love to hang out with you! Every musician’s partner knows that you are standing alone for a lot of the evening when you accompany your performing spouse! If you can’t make it but would like to help the family, or if you want more information, please check out their GoFundMe here: https://gofund.me/e29b3ele We have a New Moon in Aquarius! I’m not an expert astrologer by any stretch, but astrology does inform the tarot cards, as planetary symbols and zodiac signs are woven into mythology, numerology, alchemy, and history, all of which are incorporated in pictures on the cards of the tarot. In a nutshell: The tarot is deep! These pretty pictures mean a lot. That’s why I tell beginners, and even seasoned amateurs, to use your reference books. I have been doing this for more than 43 years, and it would be ridiculous to think you could learn all this stuff in a year or so. I have several Aquarian friends with birthdays in this sign, and I have always been a bit jealous of their immense creativity and flow. Let’s see what a new moon in this sign (which lasts from this February 1st to March 2nd) does for us all. This blog entry is a short reading for both myself and you, the reader. It will give you a chance to understand how tarot works if you haven’t had a reading from me yet. I will apply these cards to myself, but please feel into how they may work for you. So, here is my spread: The first card is at the center, representing my intention for this Moon: The Queen of Cups. She embodies the energy of love, primarily expressed as wife and mother (In many decks, she is portrayed with babies on her throne). Cups are connected to the water element and water signs and are natural for Aquarius. Water lets everything go. Water is not judgmental, and it is symbolic of love, birth, and flow. Sexuality and emotion are also a part of this card, seen in the most positive aspects. I am focusing on all aspects of love, creativity, and flow. For men, this might also mean getting in touch with the feminine side or even doting on a wife, lover, or mother.
The second card, to the left, represents critical feelings from the last moon (which was in Capricorn): the Eight of Pentacles. I was pretty busy over this last month, super-charged with work (also a good fit for that earlier moon, a rather industrious sign). There is ritual and steadiness in the Eight of Pentacles, with the idea that even if it’s an assembly line, there is general happiness in the activity. This is a card for doing for the love of doing, not necessarily about where you are going. For me, it has been writing, both creatively and with my Plath scholarship, updating my website, and working out daily. The third card, above the center, represents the critical lessons from the last month: Princess of Swords (same as the Page of Swords in traditional decks). The suit of swords represents the mind, activity, and fresh starts, and this all feels apropos, stemming from my energy boost last month. Best of all, Princess/Page of Swords has fun doing it! I have been learning to lighten up, play more, and not take things so seriously, even as I accomplish a great deal. To the right of the center, the fourth card is my direction for this new moon in Aquarius. It is the Three of Swords reversed (reversed means upside-down). This is a card for healing the hard stuff—emotional pain. I would much rather see the Three of Swords in reverse than right-side-up when I would actively be in emotional pain! Finally, the card at the bottom is our advice card for this new moon: The Emperor in reverse. Ouch. Well, nothing’s perfect. The Emperor can represent government, authority, and forces beyond our control. This energy is authoritarian and even fascist. And in reverse, the cards say that it is necessary to tough it out in these hard times. We are not finished yet. There’s your month’s forecast; apply it as you wish to your own life and circumstances. It’s been a good week: I made a new friend, I’ve kept my walking routine (even in single-digit weather), and I’m knocking things off my To-Do list. This winter is not one of hibernation for me. How about you? FEBRUARY 2022, FEBRUARY 2022 FORECAST, MYSTIC MONDAYS TAROT DECK, NEW MOON, NEW MOON IN AQUARIUS, TAROT, TAROT CARD READING, TAROT CARDS Hello! It’s been an exciting January as I have found my momentum for so many things again. I think the cold weather keeps me in at the computer and has energized me as of late. I’ve had a busy week or so expanding this website to include my poetic interpretations of Sylvia Plath’s early poems in the new “Decoding Sylvia Plath” section. If you’re into Plath—or poetry—and want to understand how she built her skills in multiple meanings, here is your place. If you’re not, just hang out on this side of the website. J
Some have asked where I have been concerning my Plath scholarship. Well, I decided long ago that I would not kiss up to the hierarchy regarding the traditional, close-minded thinking that Plath’s work is only autobiography. This thinking has improved somewhat since Heather Clark’s recent biography, Red Comet. Eventually, the world will start to catch up. Of course, right now, my work makes academics cringe. First off, the current Plath scholars dominating the scene are predominantly not creative people who do not understand what is possible within a poem. Secondly, they are mostly not spiritual people, so they miss so much symbolism and structure. Plath scholars, by and large, are so entrenched in their tunnel vision and navel-gazing that they’re unable to see beyond themselves. My findings challenge their very careers. It stands that for this reason, I will be ignored on every level because I don’t support their work. That said, I’ve made a few enemies. Ha ha. As you here reading know, I have my own career, in addition to scholarship. Because I do not need to depend on my Plath work to make a living, I have decided to give much of it away right here. A few of you have asked about my book projects that, for a while, I promoted heavily and then went silent over. I’ll catch you up: The Magician’s Girl, a biography of the mysticism of Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes, is complete in its first draft. Still, I have wanted to edit it down because, as it stands now, it’s around 1,000 pages without the bibliography. Now, given Red Comet far surpassed that number of pages and is successful, I don’t know… maybe I should try to publish it as is. I wanted to see if Red Comet would reveal some of my findings, but it mainly supports my work (in some exciting ways, I might add). I am glad I waited until after its release because I think the general consciousness around Plath and reading her work as one-dimensional autobiography is gradually evolving. The Decoding Sylvia Plath series—ah, this one is where I let the ball drop. I had huge ambitions of publishing two books a quarter. The truth is, it is just too much work as I am also a very busy tarot card reader working seven days a week (and often nights too). More is to come, probably around the poems “Ariel” and “Cut” next. The other trick is getting my husband Tom to find the time to lay it all out. It is a significant endeavor. But the scholarship work is done. Fixed Stars Govern a Life, volume TWO—what happened to volume two, you ask? I stopped at the first 22 poems in volume one! FSGL volume one was published (and I use that term loosely) by Stephen F. Austin State University Press in 2017. They did such a poor job, and it was an experience I would not wish on my worst enemy. I did get the rights back to my book and have intentions to publish a FSGL volume two eventually. It is half-written with all the findings. It’s just a matter of finding more time, and maybe a new publisher… or laying this one out and publishing it myself. If you’re interested in FSGL volume one, which is now out of print, send me an email, and I can hook you up with a PDF for just $5. Sylvia Plath: The Early Poems—this is the good news. This is what I am giving away here on the Decoding Sylvia Plath page. The 1956 poems are currently up. Over the next few months, I will post my analyses of Plath’s poetry through 1962. It’s exciting stuff, as I have known for years that Plath wrote “news poems,” but it wasn’t until The Letters of Sylvia Plath came out that I was able to find a specific reference Plath made to this in a letter to her mother. (That quote is on the main Decoding Sylvia Plath page of this website. What else? I’ve also got a number of my creative writing projects going, which I will fill you in on as I have more news. A Heads up: This website will soon be redesigned, as my pictures are old and technology has improved vastly since this first went live. DECODING SYLVIA PLATH, EARLY POEMS, FIXED STARS GOVERN A LIFE, MYSTICISM OF SYLVIA PLATH AND TED HUGHES, STEPHEN F. AUSTIN STATE UNIVERSITY PRESS, SYLVIA PLATH, SYLVIA PLATH SCHOLARSHIP, SYLVIA PLATH'S EARLY POEMS, THE MAGICIAN'S GIRL [I’m not quite at a once-weekly post, but I’m at least a little more frequent.] I have been spending a lot of time thinking about the gifts of Covid19. Yes, gifts. I’m not being sarcastic. This huge pain in the ass has taught me a lot, and I am guessing you have learned something too. Firstly, could there possibly be any more evidence that we are one? We are one human organism, all inhabiting the same planet, all breathing the same air. I hear so many people say, “I’m so over it,” especially in regard to the pandemic. So am I. But we are unfortunately still under it. My friend Judith in my Buddhist Women’s Group says that to understand is to stand under something. When we are truly over something, it is behind us. Yet, when we say that we are “over” something, it means that we are tired. We are all over Covid. We are all over political division and the ugliness that has swallowed up this country. But are we under it? Clearly, there is more to process here. More to under-stand. Some of the good things that came out of Covid for me I have already written of: Tom got a new band (now called “Replay”) and, partly through this band, we came to know and love our neighbors in a way we hadn’t over the previous twenty years; I got in shape and learned to cook; I got deeper into my spirituality; I formed A Course In Miracles group which has become exceedingly meaningful to me; I am nearly finished with a new collection of poetry about my volunteer work at the Wildlife Rescue Center (the work of which has been like meditation for me during these hard times). I’m building a new page on this site that will focus more on my Sylvia Plath scholarship. The tarot gang may or may not be interested! I have been getting signs to get it out and done, and this very afternoon one of my Facebook friends sent me this picture: he spotted a rare copy of my first book at Half Price Books in Chesterfield (thanks for letting me know, Jim)! Anyone interested in this book should send me an email. I sell the PDF for just $5. ![]() A copy of my first book, Fixed Stars Govern a Life: Decoding Sylvia Plath (2014, Stephen F. Austin State University Press) In working with my clients and talking to friends, I have seen some thrive and others completely crumble. We are finding strength we never knew we had and we are growing. It is now that we understand that relationship is the most meaningful of experiences.
If you’re having trouble, I recommend being around other high-vibe people who can lift you and not wear you out even more. Meditation and/or prayer keep you centered and balanced. Physical exercise rids of you stress fast. Gratitude is a great reminder that it’s not all bad (and remember: what we put our minds on grows!). Forgiveness, which is not for the one you’re forgiving so much as it is for you. Who wants to carry a load of anger like that? I think that the lost art of listening to others deeply, asking them questions about their dreams and lives (and taking the time to hear it) helps us in our own aloneness and our understanding of others. Plus, listening well just makes us better human beings. Finally, let’s be intentional about life. Don’t just sit around waiting for life to happen to you. Or worse, don’t hide in fear and not live at all. What would you really be saving? A Course In Miracles teaches that our whole reason for being here is to understand and experience Relationship in all its forms. Let’s do it. Covid19 is the obvious, inescapable oneness of humanity, divided or not. I’m under it. Or getting there. COPING MECHANISMS, COVID, COVID19, GIFTS OF COVID, ONENESS, OVER IT, PANDEMIC, RELATIONSHIP, SPIRITUAL LESSONS FROM COVID, SPIRITUALITY, SYLVIA PLATH, UNDERSTANDING I’m keeping my resolution to keep up my blog and social networks with more regularity. It was a very non-eventful New Year for most everyone I know. On New Year’s Eve, I did get to guest on NewsTalkSTL’s variety show, and if you’re interested, you can see/listen here. Please scroll to the 2:36 mark for my segment. ![]() Someone asked me why I have been on conservative-leaning radio stations lately. The answer is simple: they are the ones who ask me! I would be happy to appear on KWMU (our NPR station in St. Louis) or any other, but today it seems spirituality is pushed away by much of the media. This is sad for me because I know lots of spiritual people on both sides. Let it be known that in addition to NewsTalkSTL and 97.1 FM, I have appeared on KEZK, Y98, KMOX, KLOU, KDHX and others (these are just the ones I can remember). Plus television (St. Louis channels 4, 5, 11; Nickelodeon and MTV). I have friends, clients, and family of all political persuasions and it is not my goal to teach anyone what I view as right or wrong; I trust my clients to live their truth and respect others’ lives. Tarot is about seeing one’s unique and personal energy and helping them make the right decisions for them. A spiritual counselor of any kind knows that paths are different and should be appreciated and celebrated as such. I was thinking this morning about the term “Left-Wing” and “Right-Wing.” It occurred to me that a bird cannot fly without both wings or if one wing is broken. Unity is our only way out of this current mess that our world is in, and if we try to crush the other side, we are destroying ourselves in the long run because WE ARE ONE. I’ve often wondered if aliens ever attacked us if that wouldn’t change our opinion about the other guy. Maybe that is something to hope for. Ha ha. A Course In Miracles talks about the difficult balance between understanding that the world is illusion and controlling how we live within that illusion. “There is only love and fear,” says the Course, “and fear does not exist.” And yet here we are, in this often fearful place, here to learn and experience Relationship in all its forms. We are here to find unity and connection, echoing the oneness of God (or the Universe, or however you choose to frame it). This is not an Us-versus-Them world if you’re truly spiritual. We know that there are so many shades of gray, and few of us are entirely on board with every issue on our political party (if we even have a political party).
If you’re wondering who to trust for guidance, spiritually, politically, and otherwise, watch out for those who alienate others with different belief systems and check your energy to be sure that you’re not doing it yourself. We all slip into it now and then. Where there is no peace, love, or unity, there are certainly no moments for discussion or teaching to heal. We must find common ground and love even when we don’t always like how someone thinks or lives. Anytime we feel righteous and superior, or fearful and panicky, we can be sure that we are not in a unity mindset and not living from spirit. The late, great Dr. Wayne W. Dyer said in one of his many books, “God feels good.” And so, if we get “triggered” (to use a popular buzzword), we know that we are out of alignment with God, the Universe, the Source or whatever your view is. Our happiness is inward, and what we believe and how we choose to perceive creates our outer experience. I choose to perceive these troubled times as a dismantling of the old systems to birth new ones. I choose to not take sides, politically or otherwise, knowing that there is truth to Mahatma Gandhi’s words, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” I will love you all, no matter what, even if we disagree and even if you don’t love me. Maintaining conflict separates, teaches nothing, and helps nothing. I’m going to stay in alignment as best as I can on this rocky road, and I hope that I will see you all in good health and happiness at the end of it, my friends. ALIGNMENT, ALIGNMENT WITH GOD, BELIEF, CONSERVATIVE, DIVISION, LEFT-WING, LIBERAL, LOVE, MAHATMA GANDHI, NEWSTALKSTL, PERCEPTION, POLITICS, RADIO, RELATIONSHIP, RIGHT-WING, SEPARATION, SPIRITUALITY, ST. LOUIS RADIO, TAROT, TRIGGERED, UNITY, US VS. THEM Whew. When I look back on my Facebook Memories, I see all these complaints about how bad 2018 was, and then 2019, and then 2020 goes without saying. Now, I’m not one to want to perpetuate negative energy, and so even though the weather is gray and chilly, and I’ve gained a few pounds over the holidays, and the protein drink I just got out of my fridge has congealed to something undrinkable, and 2021 was, well… only slightly better than 2020… I’m going to share a few thoughts about this year and my plans for the next. Firstly, I’m going to be on the radio again on New Year’s Eve! My old pal Tony Colombo (we go back to the 90s alternative music scene when he was at the Point and I did Night Times) and new friend Katie Fitzgerald on NewstalkSTL 101.9 FM are hosting a New Year’s Eve “variety show” format and I should be on early in the 4:00 pm hour. If you aren’t able to tune in, I will post any links to recordings or videos here and on my Media page. If you ARE able to tune in, call for a free tarot card reading! I’m seriously trying to be better about social networking (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and blogs here). I am learning about how to take better pictures, create content, etc. I have to say that this is not a comfortable world for me. I’m not very photogenic and usually just have one cheesy smile across all photos because otherwise, it’s that “resting bitch face.” Most of my photos have been the same headshots, with no body, varied expressions, or movement. I’m trying to relax and genuinely smile at a mechanical gadget on a tripod, and this feels very false. But here is an effort for you: So, in the Things I Did Right column for 2021, I had several fun media appearances, I reminded my clients that I do gift certificates for the holidays and was well-rewarded for that, and tarot has been busy as ever. I have continued my personal training and yoga, which has now become an essential part of my life (shoutouts to The Fitness Edge and YogaSix!). I continued my volunteer work at the Wildlife Rescue Center, but cut my hours back a bit and am taking the winter (slow season) off to get more writing done. I started a collection of poetry about this work and, while it is taking a while to complete, I am pretty happy with what I have done so far and have begun sending out some individual poems for publication. This year I started a study group for A Course In Miracles, and this group has become very special to me and an essential part of my week (message me if you’re interested). I continue with my Buddhist Women’s Group as well, which is also integral to my spiritual growth and overall sanity during such strange years as these. In the Things I Wish I’d Done Differently column for 2021, my writing has taken a back seat to the tarot, and I’m just not sure how to correct that as those who work for themselves know we have to take the work when we get it because it is our livelihood. There’s a Plath conference next year and I didn’t even send in an abstract to present! This is partly because I am too busy, partly because it is all on Zoom (and aren’t we all sick to death of Zoom events?), and partly because I have been alienated by most of that crowd and am tired of trying to show them something they are not interested in seeing (Academia is the most close-minded place in the world; take it from someone who used to teach). And then, there are those Strange Events I’m Not Sure How to Categorize; things that feel both right and wrong: I’ve learned about personal and professional boundaries the hard way. My line of work is emotionally demanding and can form connections that blur these lines. It can be a hard call to distance from someone who’s in a tough personal situation, even though I care. Likewise, sometimes people lean too heavily on me and expect me to fix their lives. Only they can do that. Some professional relationships ultimately strained my family life–that stopped this year. I also had a misunderstanding with a client that taught me the extent of irrational fear controlling people right now. I learned that standing firm in what I know is the truth, even at the expense of losing a key customer, is the right thing to do. It also taught me what our relationship really was. This is the trouble with being a tarot card reader: we don’t read for ourselves because there are biases there; I wanted to believe in a friendship that wasn’t real when push-comes-to-shove. There was that whole St. Louis Sound thing at the Missouri History Museum… Ugh. I still groan just thinking about it. I stand by almost everything I said about the exhibit (I posted a correction on part of it). I made a lot of enemies with that blog, but I also resurrected a lot of great music friendships. And I was reminded of what I already knew: that I am brave enough to say it! These divisive politics of the last couple of years have lost and tested some of my relationships. I feel as I always have, never ascribing a side but voting instead for people and causes. Anger and fear are not going to control me. Nor am I going to label groups of people as good or bad, because I know humanity is much more complicated than that. I believe in promoting empowerment, not victimization (this does not mean I don’t feel compassion, only that I want to elevate the individual). I may not agree with every point of view, but I will not condemn or judge another for thinking differently than me. Even if they do this to me. And without further ado, my 2022 Resolutions: I am going to send out more manuscripts for publication. For me, the writing part has been relatively easy and I have FIVE complete or nearly-complete books on my hard drive! (Night Times, a memoir of my days running an alternative rock zine as a single mom in the 1990s; The Magician’s Girl, the mysticism of Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes; The Tarot Diaries, real-life tarot stories; Sylvia Plath’s Early Poems; and a collection of poetry, to be named). Add to that numerous essays and individual poems. I simply hate the submission process, and writers submitting whole books know that this is a very time-consuming process. (Would someone like to be my agent? I will pay you!) I am going to limit my waste: of food, money, and energy. This means not buying so much at the grocery store that goes bad before I can eat it, or subscribing to an online class I don’t have time to complete, or watching too many videos sent by well-meaning friends, or allowing my writing time to be interrupted with texts, phone calls, etc. While I love my AppleWatch, I am not going to let it control me with its commands for me to close my move ring, etc. Apple, you are not my master! (Just as I finished that sentence, my watch signaled: “Time to stand!”) What are your resolutions? 2021, 2022, NEW YEAR, NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS, NEWSTALKSTL, REGRETS, RESOLUTIONS, STRANGE EVENTS, SYLVIA PLATH, TAROT, TAROT CARDS, TAROT READINGS, TAROT WORK, THINGS I DID RIGHT, THINGS I WISH I DID DIFFERENTLY, YEAR END It’s been great meeting so many of you at the public events I’ve participated in this past month. If you tried to catch me on Friday, December 17th at the second Winterfest date, my apologies. I wasn’t feeling terrific and knew that sitting in a cold, wet tent for four-plus hours would not serve me well. Tonight is my last big holiday event, and then I can enjoy Christmas week for myself. If you’re still looking for unique gifts, consider a tarot reading gift certificate! ![]() I don’t have to tell you that these are strange times. Even before Covid. I do believe Friedrich Nietzsche was right when he said, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger,” and I have seen myself and many of my clients improving their lives over these challenging times. Conversely, you’ve probably also witnessed many around you crashing hard, full of fear and broken dreams. This is a time when we must protect ourselves: body, mind, and spirit. We must become the best, strongest versions of ourselves, not only to power through disease and despair but to be examples of light and be a model to others on how to cope. I begin each day with a prayer to be love and light to everyone I touch. The world is gonna do what the world is gonna do, but I can handle my little corner of it.
A warning: I have seen a lot of “false prophets” out there lately, to steal a biblical expression. When you are looking for a mentor to guide you, whether it be as a spiritual or life coach, or a business or financial coach, or a counselor helping with relationships, make sure this person not only practices what they preach, but that they are successful in what they are teaching. Ask yourself: is this person modeling the life I want? If your investment broker or business consultant isn’t financially successful, if your therapist or life coach can’t sustain a personal relationship (sometimes harder to find out)…run! You wouldn’t take vocal lessons from someone who can’t sing, right? Would you go to a pack-a-day smoker to quit smoking? And you shouldn’t get healing, spiritual or physical, from someone who does not practice wellness and good health. I once met a man putting together a masterclass for sale on making money in Bitcoin. But here’s the joke: he had approached me because he knew my son had done well in it. The guy personally had invested nothing and knew nothing (As you might guess, he never had any success with that). When I was pregnant with my first son, I took a Lamaze class and learned (too late) that the woman had never had a baby! Yes, anyone can have valuable information for you. Sometimes spirit will bring some precious advice from a random stranger on the street corner who may not even know they’ve communicated an epiphany to you. I’m not saying your mentor should be perfect—no one is. But when you are seeking someone for guidance out of hard times, or when you’re about to invest monetarily in coaching, choose your mentors carefully. What is their training? What has inspired them and who are their heroes? Is this potential mentor in alignment with your principles? Do they embody the vibe you want to create for yourself? Are they positive and making a difference, or are they angry and stuck in reaction to current events? Are they empowered or do they live in a victim mindset? Do they reflect a healthy body, mind, and spirit? I tell my clients: don’t take advice from anyone whose life you would not want to live. If you’re interested in working with me and want to ask some questions first about what I do and how I operate, I am open to a conversation at no charge. Call or text me at 314-517-0158. ADVICE, COACHING, FALSE PROPHETS, GIFT CERTIFICATES, LIFE COACHES, LIFE COACHING, MENTORS, SPIRITUAL COACHING, TAROT CARD READING |